Louis XVI: The King Who France Beheaded.

The story of Louis XVI and his trip to the gullotine is well known. Louis XVI at first was influenced by Enlightenment ideas and wanted to increase tolerance toward Catholics, eliminate serfdom, and removing the tallie tax on peasants. He also attempted to deregulate grain prices, but this backfired on him and bread prices went up.

Louis XVI supported the American colonists during their revolution as well. This helped to basically bankrupt the treasury and force the government to raise taxes on the working class and poor. The King was oblivious to the plight and suffering of his people. These tribulations lead to the French Revolution. Louis would lose his power, kingdom, and most importantly his life.

Any coin of Louis XVI is highly desired because of it’s simple association with the French Revolution. One great example is the 1791-1793 12 Deniers of Louis XVI. This coin was minted during the Revolution. The obverse contains a beautiful portrait of the King and the inscription, The Nation, The Laws, and the King. The obverse is absolutely beautiful and rich in symbolism. It contains the liberty cap which sits on top of the fasces, or a Roman symbol which embodied the idea, strength through unity.

Another interesting piece to collect is a Louis XVI Optimo Principi Jeton from 1790. A jeton is a coin-like piece which could be used as a poker choice, or as an aid in money counting. This jeton is awesome. The obverse contains a portrait of the King and the inscription reads Louis XVI by the grace of God, King of France and Navarre. The reverse has a scene that is symbolic of the French Revolution. It contains a horserider on a horse looking down upon a royal coat of arms. This the horserider are the revolutionaries who have taken on the King and his forces in name of freedom. These coins are both wonderful and affordable. You can easily get one and really hold a small piece of history in the palm of your hand.

A beautiful 12 Denier of Louis XVI from the French Revolution which symbolizes the fight of the people to gain freedom,
A beautiful 12 Denier of Louis XVI from the French Revolution which symbolizes the fight of the people to gain freedom,
A wonderful jeton, or coin-like piece which was used as a poker chip or for use in counting money. The rich symbolism shows the struggle of the revolution.
A wonderful jeton, or coin-like piece which was used as a poker chip or for use in counting money. The rich symbolism shows the struggle of the revolution.

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